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Kaitiaki Marae
Marae Trustees Committee

Hiiona Marae, otherwise known as "the pā" is a Māori Reservation situated on land registered in the Māori Land Court as Waiwhakāta 3E 4C Lot 2A.  The pā is solely managed by the Trustees Committee in accordance with its Charter through three work portfolios: (1) Administration; (2) Development; and (3) Maintenance.  All work and activities are portfolio projects set out as strategic priorities in our Marae Development and 5-Year Strategic Plans.


Chair, Tohu "Nug" Martin

+64 21 330 534


Kiel Katipa

Asst. Chair​


Deputy Chair, Chris Katipa​


Boyd Katipa (Jnr)

Asst. Deputy Chair​


Jaydon-Lee Walker

Asst. Secretary​


Secretary-Treasurer, Ari Keegan

+64 21 247 1568

Puawai (2).png

Te Puāwai Martin

Asst. Treasurer​

Marae Charter

The objects and purposes of the pā:​


1.  Uphold the mana motuhake of Ngāti Pourāhui.

2.  Prioritise use of the marae for tangi and hura kōwhatu.

3.  Ensure the marae is for learning te reo, tikanga, whakapapa, and history.

4.  Enable meetings, social gatherings, sports and recreational activities.

5.  Promote the physical, intellectual, and spiritual wellbeing of all beneficiaries.

6.  Support the cultural, social, and economic development of all beneficiaries.

7.  Do all things the trustees deem necessary or desirable for achieving and promoting any of the 

     objects and purposes herein specified. 

Copyright 2014 Hiiona Marae Trust. All rights reserved.

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